Agricultural Bird Control: How to Drive Away Crows and Ravens

American crows and common ravens are frequently confused due to their resemblance. Both belong to the crow family (Corvidae) and exhibit sizable, entirely black bodies complemented by sharp, slightly curved beaks.

Despite their strikingly similar appearance and shared lineage, these birds are distinct species. Furthermore, they cause harm to crops and livestock through different means.

Differences between Crows and Ravens

To an untrained observer, American crows and common ravens might seem virtually identical. However, upon closer inspection, distinct features become apparent.

Primarily, ravens exhibit a significantly larger size compared to crows. When placed side by side, the difference in size leaves no doubt about which bird belongs to which species.

Moreover, there are disparities in the size and shape of their tails and beaks. Ravens possess wedge-shaped tails, while crows have tails that are rounded and square. The bills of ravens are proportionately larger, leading to descriptions of ravens as a “beak with a bird” and crows as a “bird with a beak.”

Despite both species being exceptional mimics, capable even of learning human speech, the calls of ravens tend to be higher pitched and more melodious, in contrast to the harsh caw of crows.

bird control

Agricultural Impacts: Challenges Posed by Crows and Ravens

Crows and ravens rank among the most intelligent animals globally, posing a challenge in your efforts for effective bird control on your farm. Both species demonstrate the ability to swiftly solve intricate problems, comprehend materials and tools, and even recognize human faces. Their intelligence enables them to easily adapt to human environments.

In terms of bird control considerations, both birds display opportunistic and omnivorous behaviors. They are constantly on the lookout for easily accessible meals and can consume a wide variety of food sources. During migration seasons and spring nesting, large flocks of both species may pose a threat to crops and livestock, although the specific targets of their feasting often differ.

Crows tend to focus on crops, frequently consuming seedlings, newly planted seeds, fruits, and corn. On the other hand, ravens have been observed consuming newly born or recently hatched livestock and poultry, although some of their diet may consist of carrion.

Sound: An Effective Strategy to Keep Crows and Ravens Away

Both American crows and common ravens are covered by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, although there are provisions for managing crow populations. Ravens enjoy full protection under the Act as they generally do not cause extensive damage.

Despite the protected status of both species, there are humane and legal methods available to discourage them from your farm, surpassing traditional scarecrows, which intelligent crows and ravens can quickly learn to bypass.

bird control

A consistently effective bird control method involves the use of sudden loud sounds. Propane bird cannons, in particular, have proven effective for extended periods. These devices emit loud sounds, deterring even the most intelligent birds from entering the farm. Unlike conventional cannons, those used for bird control do not discharge physical projectiles but rely on disruptive noise.

Additionally, propane bird cannons can be programmed to operate for specific durations. The loud noises do not inflict physical harm on the birds, but rather startle them away. Customizable sound cycles prevent birds from acclimating and developing effective adaptations. Propane bird cannons are effective. When properly used, bird cannons can reduce crop losses by up to 70%.

Safe-Killer: Your Bird Control Partner

Drawing on more than 25 years of expertise in managing bothersome birds in agricultural environments and beyond, Safe-Killer is well-equipped to assist you in outsmarting even the most intelligent avian challenges.

Should you encounter difficulties in controlling crows and ravens on your farm, reach out to our professionals. We’ll work with you to tailor a custom solution that aligns with your specific demands.

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